Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I Found Meaning

Friends and tellers, I thank you all for a very insightful three weeks. I have learned much from not only talking and blogging with each of you, but also by observing each and everyone of you tell in Warf-Pickel Hall and the North Carolina Stage.

Tomorrow will be a major moment for us as a team, but "Mission Accomplished' will not be my take on our final telling together. For me it will be MISSION STARTED!!! We will now be on a journey together and will use Chaucer's method to move happily together.

This will be my last blog and the computer will go into the bag in a few minutes. Artificial intelligence is a good thing, but as David said today it began with the creation of the alphabet. I am now more focused on a teller's way of word association.

Thanks to all for your leadership and comradery.

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