Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Good Stories Heard and Good Time Had

Cohorts, one and all. It was a great day for me. I had never been to Ashville, North Carolina. It was a wonderful place to see and be. Also, the stage job comments made by Yashinsky were amplified by a first-hand experience on a stage. I enjoyed and learned simultaneously.

Afterwards Josh, Brenda, and I wandered around the city streets looking for a place to have lunch. It was refreshing to see the happy street people, and a sidewalk singing group, from somewhere other than Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Josh found a very nice pub called Jack of the Wood that took my mind back to British myths.

See you all tomorrow at 0900.

1 comment:

Maustales said...

I also thought it was a great day! What a wonderful opportunity for us all.
Josh's choice of an eating experience further enriched the day!