Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Watch Out A Neophyte Teller Has Emerged in NW Florida

Well my cohorts, telling has begun and I now have a repertorie.

I have told before five audiences: 38 with early Alzheimer's Disease, 57 Kiwanians, 15 assisted living patients, 15 history buffs in an old historical home in Panama City Florida, and the Okaloosa County Deocratic Party Precinct Committee. Seeing their faces and closeness told me that tellers and listeners are all one and united through story. All is well, and I now understand why I was called to tell.

By the way, I have received two calls from local school teachers wanting me to come and tell. If anyone has a good Johnny Appleseed tale that he/she can pass to me I would love to receive it.


Professional Storyteller Rachel Hedman said...


As for a Johnny Appleseed story, I have never pieced one together. Would apple stories work, too?

Take a moment and think about how many stories feature an apple as a turning point in the action. Eating an apple often brings immortality, wisdom and life. For this purpose, a villain or antagonist may use an apple—normally a symbol of good—as a way to deceive or poison others such as in Snow White.

An apple could also represent love and power. The Greek gods Zeus and Hera were offered the golden Apples of the Hesperides as a wedding gift. Many Greek heroes had the quest to gather special apples while the Trojan War really started when Paris had to choose which goddess would receive an apple inscribed “to the fairest”. We heard a wonderful version of this story in our class.

Finally, you have tales such as the golden apples that the Viking goddess Idun protected as well as the Adam and Eve story, etc.

Until we tell again,

Rachel Hedman

Barnabus said...

Thanks! I completely agree. As a Greek mythology lover I have been looking at connecting some of them to the Johnny Appleseed story.

Apparently, thJohnny Appleseed legends are a new elementary school teacher method to revive a love of nature in the newest human buds.

I hope all is going well in Utah and that someday the Novak Brigade can tell together before a friendly group of listeners. As you know listeners are never our enemies even if led by Frankie of the 'Suddenly They Heard Footsteps' Army.

Maustales said...

It sounds llike you are off and running.... and getting hooked on storytelling! I read your note to late for Johnny Appleseed Day, but there are many Johnny Appleseed books available at the library. They give the history and information about his life and the legend around him. There are videos too and it would all give you colorful information. There is even a Johnny Appleseed song.. "The Lord is Good to ME." I am excited for you and your success.

Barnabus said...

Well Maustales, I have found many sources for a Johnny Appleseed story. John Chapman was truly a remarkable man on a great quest. As the song: 'Johnny Appleseed Grace' says: "Oh the Lord's been good to me, and so I thank the Lord." Good or bad the Lord is always good to me.